Anuradhapura trip

 I went on a trip to Anuradhapura during the last holidays. I went there with my family and my little brother. We went in our van. We set off at 2.00 p.m. and we reached there around 9.00 p.m. We stayed at a hotel that night.

 The next morning, we worshipped at the Sri Maha Bodhi and visited the Ruwanweliseya. We saw Lovamahapaya. After that we visited Isurumuniya, Lankathilaka, Abayagiriya, Jethawanaramaya, Thuparamaya, Mirisawetiya and the Samadi pilima in Mahamevunawa. 

We had our lunch near the tank bund. We bathed in the thisa Wewa. In the evening we enjoyed relaxing near Tissa wewa. We admired the natural beauty of this area. We took many photographs. We ate delicious food at the hotel. It was an unforgettable trip.



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